Download Smoke subtitles

portugese(br)portugese(br) subtitles

parts parts:1
Rip Rip:DVDRip
release release:BoBo
filename filename:Smoke.DVDRip.Smoke[1995]DvDRip[Eng]
Comments Comments:In Auggie's New York smoke shop, day by day passes, seemingly unchanging until he teaches us to notice the little details of life. Paul Benjamin, a disheartened and broken writer, has a brush with death that is pivotal and sets up an unlikely series of events that afford him a novel glimpse into the life on the street which he saw, but did not truly perceive, every day. Directed by Wayne Wang and Paul Auster.With, Harvey Keitel, William Hurt, Stockard Channing, Forest Whitaker, Ashley Judd, Giancarlo Esposito.
size size:38.67 kb
uploaded uploaded:18.06.09 07:20:06
downloaded number of downloads: 27
author author:newberry5150
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